About Us
About the Foundation
The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation is the 501(c) (3) fundraising arm for Alabama 4-H, the largest youth development program in Alabama, serving more than 125,000 Alabama young people. Led by a Board of Directors, the Foundation solicits and manages grants and other financial support from individuals, organizations, foundations and corporations to support the more than 100,000 Alabama 4-H youth.
Your gift to The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc. will help carry 4-H into the next century, and supports:
- 4-H volunteer training at a reduced cost
- County 4-H volunteer recognition
- State 4-H youth awards and recognition
- Outstanding 4-H alumni recognition
- College scholarships for 4-H youth
- County and state 4-H grant opportunities
- Creation of new curriculum and learning materials
- Development of new and current 4-H programs
- 4-H participant fee scholarships
- Development and maintenance at The Alabama 4-H Center on Lay Lake in Shelby County; Alabama 4-H’s premier center for summer camp, specialized camps and volunteer training
Your support through private giving is used to reward deserving 4-H’ers throughout the state, to fund annual activities and events for youth statewide, assist in educating volunteer leaders and may support the educational mission of the Alabama 4-H Center on Lay Lake in Shelby County Alabama.
Your donation to Alabama 4-H through The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation will support the vital needs of tomorrow’s leaders – Alabama 4-H youth!
To find out more about The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc., contact:
Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc.
244 Duncan Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5612
Mission and Purpose
The Foundation, through its board of directors, is committed to the generation of private funding to meet statewide youth education needs as identified by the Extension System, including those associated with the Alabama 4-H Youth Development Center in Shelby County.
Members of the board of directors pledge their personal involvement and commitment, knowing that in doing so they help shape the lives of Alabama youth as they make their individual journeys toward responsible adulthood.

We believe the principle element to the success of Alabama’s 4-H youth education is an instinctive devotion to time-honored values.
We believe in 4-H, its traditions and ideals, its proven educational methods, its open-door access to all youth regardless of economic circumstances, race or religion.
We believe that each 4-H’er, each Extension System youth educator, each 4-H volunteer, is unique. We believe in them and their work. Each is to receive our respect, our appreciation, our concern, our support.
We believe that 4-H’s core values of work, responsibility, leadership, and community involvement are precisely those values youth need most as they cope with the uncertainties of sweeping societal change.
We recognize the inherent worth of the four H’s in 4-H – Head, Heart, Hands and Health – as focal points for personal growth and development and believe that as members of The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation Board of Directors it is our responsibility to help provide the youth of this state with a fifth “H” – Hope – as they strive for a brighter, more productive tomorrow.
The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations made to the Alabama 4-H Club Foundation are tax-deductible according to IRS Standards. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator, employer, and provider. If you need a reasonable accommodation or language access services, contact the Alabama Cooperative Extension System HR at (334) 844-1326. © 2024 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. All rights reserved.