Giving to 4-H
Your support of Alabama 4-H is vital. Gifts to Alabama 4-H are a direct investment in youth, and are used throughout the state to support a dynamic 4-H program.
The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc., established in 1956, was created as a permanent investment in 4-H youth development. Your gifts provide educational opportunities, incentives, training, and personal development programs for 4-H members and volunteers throughout Alabama.
All gifts to The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc. are recognized, and may be designated to a specific 4-H program area, county endowment or other activities.
We Support
The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc. is charged with raising financial support for Alabama 4-H educational programs and for The Alabama 4-H Center.

The Alabama 4-H Center
The Alabama 4-H Center is a full service conference facility owned and operated under the direction of The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation Board of Directors. Located on Lay Lake in Shelby County, the Alabama 4-H Center is on land generously provided by Alabama Power Company through a long-term lease agreement.
Corporate, business and adult user groups of The Alabama 4-H Center ensure the 264-acre facility offers low-cost 4-H and youth educational programs. Meeting space, full service dining, more than 50 hotel rooms are just a few of the amenities offered to adult users. Businesses and church groups can also take advantage of the teach team-building courses used by Alabama 4-H’ers and youth groups to build trust, performance and character, as well as go on a hiking trip, fish, play basketball, canoe or play a round of mini-golf.
With the gold-certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Alabama 4-H Environmental Science Education Center – the only gold certified environmental education building in the eastern U.S., adult and youth groups can be assured of the best facilities and programs in Alabama.
To find out more about The Alabama 4-H Center – adventurous, exciting, comfortable, accessible, convenient, affordable –, or call (205) 669-4241.

Alabama 4-H Programs
4-H is a community of more than 6.5 million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. In Alabama, more than 100,000 youth are in 4-H in every Alabama county.
Alabama 4-H, for 100 years, has been a guiding force in the lives of youth, instilling in them leadership, citizenship and life skills. Today, youth participate in a variety of educational programs (healthy lifestyle, the arts and science, technology and engineering to name a few) to learn belonging, independence, generosity and mastery. The focus of 4-H is using educational programs to encourage youth to become productive citizens with positive character and leadership skills.
4-H’ers participate in fun, hands-on learning activities supported by the latest research of land-grant universities that are focused on three areas: healthy living, citizenship, and science, engineering and technology. In Alabama, The Alabama Cooperative Extension System is coordinated at Auburn and Alabama A&M universities. 4-H is the youth development component of cooperative extension.
Youth experience 4-H by becoming a member of a 4-H club, attending a 4-H camp, or joining school-based or after-school 4-H programs. 4-Hers can compete in contests at the local, state, regional or national levels and also attend conferences and events.
Find out more about Alabama 4-H, go to
The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations made to the Alabama 4-H Club Foundation are tax-deductible according to IRS Standards. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator, employer, and provider. If you need a reasonable accommodation or language access services, contact the Alabama Cooperative Extension System HR at (334) 844-1326. © 2024 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. All rights reserved.