Thank You!
The success of THE CENTER OF IT ALL capital campaign is made possible by the generous donations of the following supporters. A heartfelt thank you from everyone who’s lives you touch.

Joan & Gaines Smith
“We passionately support the 4-H Capital Campaign and 4-H programs which prepare Alabama’s youth to become leaders in today’s complex society.”
Stephanie A. Bryan,
Poarch Band of Creek Indian
“It is exciting to be a part of the expansion at the 4-H Center and to support their work with the youth in our state. The significance of 4-H and their outreach is important for our communities, and more importantly, helps to cultivate tomorrow’s innovators that will lead us into the next era.”

“Alabama Power is a proud partner of Alabama 4-H and is honored to support expansion of its capacity to provide services that shape and mold Alabama’s future leaders.”
Myla Calhoun,
Vice President,
Alabama Power’s Birmingham Division
“4-H membership afforded me an opportunity to participate in activities that provided life-long, valuable lessons that academia could not.”

Terrell Guthrie
“My wife, Anne, and I had the privilege of managing the Alabama 4-H Center for 20 years. We had the pleasure of seeing thousands of 4-H’ers participate in new experiences that were fun and helped build confidence. 4-H’ers learned new skills, developed leadership and made memories to last a life-time. What a wonderful time during those twenty years!”

“Aviagen® supports 4-H and its mission to foster skills that empower our youth to lead the poultry industry forward.”
Cally Boyers,
Granddaughter of
Boyd & Sara Christenberry
“The 4-H Center is dear to the Christenberrys as it is a place of family, togetherness, laughter, growth, exploration, and beauty.”

“Daniel Foundation finds value in the youth programs of 4-H to create tomorrow’s responsible citizens for Alabama.”

Milton Wendland
“4-H has been a big part of the lives of each of my children, and a big part of my adult life. My children had the privilege of participating in the local club each year with their steer projects. They were exposed to valuable life lessons through these projects that helped them learn to be responsible and successful adults. Later in life, I was blessed to be able to serve for many years on the Alabama 4-H Foundation Board. I saw firsthand the impact this organization has had on thousands of children through their local clubs. I wholeheartedly believe in the mission and work of 4-H, I support it financially, and I highly recommend it to every child and family in Alabama.”

“The Shelby County Commission is excited to support the 4-H Center located on Lay Lake in Shelby County. The Center provides excellence in environmental education to school age children; exposing some to their only encounter with the outdoors. The Center also provides excellent meeting and overnight accommodations for corporate and group retreats of all types. The 4-H Center is a hidden gem that provides opportunities for group and family getaways in Shelby County. We appreciate the opportunity to continue the partnership between Shelby County and the 4-H Foundation.”
Wesley & Deidra Laird
“Investing in 4-H paves a pathway to success for our youth that might not otherwise exist, providing opportunities for growth and leadership, just as it did for my wife, Deidra, and me.”

Joann Wissinger
“As a former 4-H member and 4-H Youth Development Agent, I have been a part of this life skills, leadership and citizenship program for many years. The 4-H program touched my life and I hope I was able to do the same for others. It is a pleasure to continue to support
4-H as a volunteer and donor. Building good character is important for our youth yesterday, today, and always.”
Phillip McCrorie
“My family and I support 4-H because we believe the youth of our country are our greatest asset. The program that 4-H delivers can be critical to the success of many of our young people who need the structure and life skills development that 4-H offers. My own 4-H experience was a key in my development as a person and introduced me to facets of life I had never seen before. Being exposed to the many events that 4-H offers helped mold me to become the person I am. My family and I believe 4-H can offer the same foundation for success that I received as a young person for our youth of today.”

Suzie Wendland Rhodes
“My first remembrance of 4-H was as an elementary school student. I participated in the sewing, cooking, and public speaking projects. Later, my siblings and I raised steers for the calf project. The lessons we learned throughout those years have greatly helped each of us in our adult lives. Things like responsibility, time management, budgeting, hard work, and teamwork were just a few of the things we learned. All these years later,
4-H has not strayed from its original mission. It is still in the business of “making the best better” by giving children incredible opportunities to grow and develop and achieve their maximum potential. That is why I support 4-H and highly recommend it to you and your family.”

Thanks to our Donors
Kristy Abrams
Chris and Nancy Alexander
Eleanor and J. Lee Alley
Bill and Snooky Alverson
Shannon Thompson Andress
Tammie Baker
Janet Benefield
Lapaul Blackmon
Patricia H. Blackwell
Willard and Ruth Ann Bowers
Judy Fennell Brown
Paul W. and Mary Brown
Derek Bryan
Kenneth and Colleen Buce
Brannon Burt
Jennifer Butler
Alan and Sarah Butterworth
Danny Cain
Simon and Amy Carbone
Trent Carboni
Dr. Alfred R. Cavender* and Dr. Dorothy H. Cavender
Sara and Boyd* Christenberry
Joseph Cleckler
Jeff Cobb
Brittany Connelly
John A. (Tony) Cook, Ed.D.
Nikki Cornelison
Larry Curtis
William W. Curtis, Jr.
Rebecca Danley
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Davis
Andy and Trina Davis
Marjorie Sellers Day
Katelyn Diercks
Michael and Denia Dillon
Judy Dismukes
Selina Dodson
Mona Dominguez
Bob and Martha Dumas
Bob and Carol Ebert
Beth and Thomas R. Elliott
Kaila England
Olin “Buck” Farrior
Sam Fowler
Dr. John C. French, Sr.
William C. Fry
Kenneth Gamble
Chelsey Gann
Jennifer Gann
Linda Gilmore
Drew Glover
Kim Good
Timothy D. Gothard
Betty Gottler
Kimberly Graham
Nancy Graves
Molly and Hap Gregg*
Curtis and Sharon Grissom
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Guthrie
Richard and Kay Guthrie
Ellis and Lillie Beasley Hall
Carole Ann Hansen
Elmer B. Harris*
Laura Harris
Jonathan Harrison
Hazel Harpe Hartley
Davis and Margery Henry
Ray Hilburn
Ms. Katie Hill
R. Gregg Hodges
Angel Holladay
Barbara Sue Hughes
Charles and Kim Hurst
Alvin Ray and Faye Hall Jackson
Joe Janning
James Jernigan
Joanna Jetton
Jimmy and Sue Jimmerson
Raymond B. Jones, Sr.*
Earnestine Jones
Doyle Keasal
Michael Keesee
Mike and Linda Kilgore
Lester and Catherine Killebrew
Mrs. LaKisha King
Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.
Emily Kling
Wesley and Deidra Laird
Dovie Lawson
Katie Lee
Gary and Terry Lemme
Sean Lett
Carla Lewis
Dianne Lollar
Janet Lovelady
Mike and Polly Machen
Trenisha Gilbert Mack
Hal and Lynn Manly
Jerome Mayfield
Janet McCoy
Brigid McCrea
David and Rachel McCrorie
Phillip and Kathy McCrorie
Norma McCrory
Ann Dial McMillan
Izette Ridley McNealy
Danny McWilliams
Cecil and Charlotte Medders
Eric Michaelson
Barbara W. Mobley
Charles R. and Judith M. Moody
Marsha Moorehead
Andrea Musso
The Nail Family
Jerry and Dianne Newby
Jimmy and Martha Newby
Emily Nichols
Earl and Julia Norton
William M. Norwood, Jr.
Jack and Sheryl Odle
Wendy Padgett
Leah Papp
Ben and Katie Patrick
Julie Patterson
Geni Payne
Ed and Rebecca Persons
Shannon Phillips
Mike and Amy Pigg
Paul and Kristie Pinyan
Andrew Pinyan
Will Pinyan
Dan and Pat Presley
Peggy A. Prucnal
Alonzo and Robbie Purser
Adeline Quintana
Jackie Ramsey
Dr. Kelly and Sarah Rexroat
Charles and Suzie Rhodes
Ed Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rigney
Kristen Roberson
Kerri Roberts
Karla Robinson
The Rogers Family
Patricia and David Ryan
Donna and Carl Sanders
Joy and Dexter Scott
Mary Ann Sheppard
Dr. and Mrs. Gaines Smith*
Jerry F. and Nancy Smith
Darlene Smith
Rachel Snoddy
John P. Sophocleus
Stephanie Stanford-Tobin
J. T. Stephens
Deborah Stewart
Dr. Celvia Stovall
Daniel Sullen
Doug Summerford
Bess Taylor
Ms. Madison Tew
Jenny and Doug Thiessen
Carl Thigpen
Rena Garner Thompson
Dr. Ann E. Thompson Estate
Drew Thompson
Dr. Danny and Elesia Thrash
Eddie L. Tullis
Eloise O. Turk
Malti and Seth Tuttle
Donna Vansant
Jill Wachs
Charity Waldrep
Kenneth Ward
Hoyt M Warren, Jr.
Miranda Reese Watson
Laurie Weldon
Milton “Buzz” Wendland
K.Ted and Gina Wilson
Chloe Wilson
Joann Smith Wissinger*
Tasha and Tom Worden
Elizabeth Yates
* deceased
The Alabama 4-H Club Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations made to the Alabama 4-H Club Foundation are tax-deductible according to IRS Standards. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator, employer, and provider. If you need a reasonable accommodation or language access services, contact the Alabama Cooperative Extension System HR at (334) 844-1326. © 2024 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. All rights reserved.